FireDOC Search

Mangs, J. | Mikkola, E. | Kokkala, M. | Soderbom, J. | Stenhaug, E. | Ostrup, I.
Room/Corner Test Round Robin. Project 2 of the EUREFIC Fire Research Program.
Technical Research Center of Finland, Tutkimuskia National Testing Institute, Sweden SINTEF, NBL Norwegian Fire Lab., Norway Rockwool Systems Holding, Denmark
VTT Research Report 733, April 1991, 62 p.
AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900. Website:
corner tests | fire tests | fire safety | test methods | linings | room fires | evaluation | coatings
NORDTEST Method NT FIRE 025; ISO DIS 8705; materials tests
As part of the EUREFIC research program a room/corner test round robin has been carried out. Four different lining materials were tested according to the NORDTEST Method NT FIRE 025, which is similar to the ISO DIS 9705. Originally the tests were carried out at four laboratories in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. At a later stage a laboratory from the United Kingdom joined this exercise. The results show that the reproducibility of this method is as good as or better than that of typical fire test methods used today. Differences in the results are caused by differences in the materials used and by the methods of attaching some of the linings.