- Author
- Vandooren, J. | Nelson da Cruz, F. | Vantiggelen, P. J.
- Title
- Inhibiting Effect of CF3H on the Structure of a Stoichiometric H2/CO/O2/Ar Flame.
- Coporate
- Universite Catholique de Lowain, Belgium
- Book or Conf
- Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 22nd. August 14-19, 1988, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Seattle, WA, 1587-1595 p., 1989
- Keywords
- combustion | flame structure | stoichiometric mixtures | laminar flames | inhibition | kinetics | combustion | premixed flames | hydrogen | carbon monoxide | oxygen | argon
- Identifiers
- mole fraction profiles