- Author
- Wright, M. T. | Gottuk, D. T. | Wong, J. T. | Pham, H. | Rose-Pehrsson, S. L. | Hart, S. J. | Hammond, M. | Williams, F. W. | Tatem, P. A. | Street, T. T.
- Title
- Prototype Early Warning Fire Detection System: Test Series 3 Results. Interim Report.
- Coporate
- Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC Nova Research Inc., Alexandria, VA
- Sponsor
- Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC
- Report
- NRL/MR/6180-01-8592, December 19, 2001, 99 p.
- Keywords
- fire detection systems | warning systems | sensors | fire detection | fire detectors | ships | damage control | scenarios
- Identifiers
- Early Warning Fire Detection (EWFD)
- Abstract
- This work is a continuation of a multi-year effort to develop an early-warning fire detection system (EWFD) that is immune to nuisance alarms. The work was conducted under the Office of Naval Research (ONR's) sponsored program Damage Control-Automation for Reduced Manning (DC-ARM) as part of a smart system capable of providing automated damage control. Over the past two years, efforts have focused on identifying appropriate sensors and candidate multivariate alarm algorithms. Based on this work, two prototype detection systems (two detectors of each type) were assembled and evaluated in real-time during the Series 1 tests onboard the ex-USS SHADWELL, the Naval Research Laboratory's full scale fire research facility in Mobile, Alabama. Test Series 1 and 2 provided shipboard data under varying environmental conditions to be used for algorithm and prototype optimization. Based in part on the data obtained from Test Series 1 and 2, improved alarm algoithms (i.e., probabilistic neural networks (PNN) were developed. In addition, new prototype detectors were fabricated in preparation for the 2000 shipboard demonstration of the DC-ARM program. the full set of prototypes and the new alarm algorithms were incorporated into the 3rd test series conducted over the period of July 20 to July 28, 2000. This report documents the experimental program and results of this series.