FireDOC Search

Jeanes, D. C.
American Experience With Computer Modelling of Fire Endurance Steel Framed Floors.
American Iron and Steel Inst., Washington, DC
Book or Conf
C.C.E. C.E.C. K.E.G. Fire-Safe Steel Construction: Practical Design. Working Document. April 11-12, 1984, Luxembourg, N/1-3 p., 1984
computer models | magnetic tapes | floor systems
The design of building structures to resist the effects of a fire has become a practical reality with the development of the computer. Accordingly, a computer program has been designed to predict the performance of structural steel framed floor systems under exposure to the high temperatures of a building fire. The computer model, FASBUS II (Fire Analysis of Steel Building Systems), has been the focus of an extensive test program to evaluate the validity of the model. As a result of this work the model has demonstrated the ability to reliably predict structural assembly and exposure conditions and determine the response of the assembly and the extent of damage. No computer program is available on magnetic tape.