- Author
- Miller, C. F.
- Title
- Fire Fighting Operations in Hamburg, Germany During World War II: Excerpts From the Hamburg Fire Department Documents on the Air Attacks During Wrold War II. Appendixes 3, 4, 5, and Photographs. Final Report.
- Coporate
- Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA
- Sponsor
- Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, Washington, DC
- Report
- DCPA Work Unit 2534H, April 1972, 446 p.
- Contract
- DAHC20-70-C-03007
- Keywords
- fire fighting | fire departments | bombs (ordnance) | civil defense | statistics | damage | explosives | men | women | children | fire damage | fire data
- Abstract
- Appendix 3: Excerpts from the Hamburg Fire Department documents on the air attacks during Wrold War II: the first attacks and group west unit reports on actions and experiences during the large-scale attacks of July-August 1943. Appendix 4: Excerpts from the Hamburg Fire Department documents on the air attacks during World WarII: the group east and group harbor unit reports on actions and experiences during the large-scale attacks of July-August 1943 and other reports on later attacks. Appendix 5: Excerpts of reports on events and messages, personal actions and experiences, performance of out-of-town units, industrial damage and miscellaneous incidents which occurred during the World War II air attacks on Hamburg. Selected photographs of H.E. and fire damages from air attacks on Hanburg and other Cities during World War II.