FireDOC Search

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  • Fingas, M. F.; Li, K.; Ackerman, F.; Campagna, P. R.; Turpin, R. D.; Getty, S. J.; Soleki, M. F.; Trespalacios, M. J.; Wang, Z.; Pare, J.; Belanger, J.; Bissonnette, M.; Mullin, J. V.; Tennyson, E. J.
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    Emissions From Mesoscale In Situ Oil Fires: The Mobile 1991 Experiments.
    Environment Canada, Ontario; Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ; Roy F. Weston/REAC, Edison, NJ; Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA
    Spill Science and Technology Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 3, 123-137, September 1996

  • Fingas, M.; Ackerman, F.; Wang, Z.; Li, K.; Lambert, P.; Bissonnette, M.; Sergy, G.; Jokuty, P.; Laroche, N.; Mullin, J. V.; Hannon, L.; Turpin, R.; Campagna, P.; Hiltabrand, R.; Aurand, D.
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    In-Situ Burn Studies: The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment and Further Research.
    Environment Canada, Ontario; Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA; Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ; Coast Guard, Groton, CT; Marine Spill Response Corp., Washington, DC
    Oil Spill Research and Development Forum, Second (2nd) International. Fostering International Co-Operative Research. Proceedings. Volume 2. May 23-26, 1995, 465-471 p., 1995

  • Fingas, M. F.; Ackerman, F.; Wang, Z.; Li, K.; Lambert, P.; Bissonnette, M.; Sergy, G.; Jokutry, P.; Laroche, N.; Mullin, J. V.; Hannon, L.
    view article (1.0)

    In-Situ Burn Studies: The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment (NOBE) and Further Research.
    Environment Canada, Ontario, Canada; Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA
    Oil Spill Research and Development Forum, 2nd International. International Marine Organization. 1995, London, England, 465-471 p., 1995

  • Fingas, M. F.; Halley, G.; Ackerman, F.; Nelson, R.; Bissonnette, M.; Laroche, N.; Wang, Z.; Lambert, P.; Li, K.; Jokuty, P.; Sergy, G.; Tennyson, E. J.; Mullin, J.; Hannon, L.; Turpin, r.; Campagna, P.; Halley, W.; Latour, J.; Galarneau, R.; Ryan, B.; Aurand, D. V.; Hiltabrand, R. R.
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    Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment (NOBE).
    Environment Canada, Ontario, Ottawa; Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA; Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ; Canadian Coast Guard, St. Johns, Newfoundland; Marine Spill Response Corp., Washington, DC; Coast Guard Research and Development Branch, Groton, CT
    NIST SP 995; Volume 2; API Publication No. 4620, March 2003,
    Oil Spill Conference, 1995 Proceedings. 1995, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 123-132 p., ['2003', '1995']