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Dubovik, V. I.
view article (1.0)Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers. [ONLY TITLE IN ENGLISH]Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers, Dubovik, V. I., Editors, 78 p., 1976Ammosv, F. A.; Dubovik, V. I.; Stetsovskiy, M. P.; Kaspov, L. I.
view article (1.0)Testing a Smoke-Protection System Which Includes Air Pressurization in the Stairwell and Smoke Removal From a Corridor. [ONLY TITLE IN ENGLISH]Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers, Dubovik, V. I., Editors, 3-10 p., 1976Dubovik, V. I.; Stetsovskiy, M. P.
view article (1.0)Experimental Investigation of the Heat and Gas Transfer on the Fire Floor of a Residential Building. [ONLY TITLE IN ENGLISH]Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers, Dubovik, V. I., Editors, 32-42 p., 1976Dubovik, V. I.
view article (1.0)Experimental Study of the Smoke Protection of a High-Rise Administrative Building. [ONLY TITLE IN ENGLISH]Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers, Dubovik, V. I., Editors, 43-48 p., 1976Dubovik, V. I.; Karpov, L. I.
view article (1.0)Formula for Calculation of the Pressure Differential in Stairwells. [ONLY TITLE IN ENGLISH]Smoke Protection of Multi-Story Buildings. Digest of Papers, Dubovik, V. I., Editors, 49-52 p., 1976