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Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Extinguishing Ammunition Fires. Final Report.Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDARBRL-TR-02410, July 1982, 30 p.Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Predictions of Probabilities of Sustained Fires for Combat Damaged Vehicles. Technical Report.Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDBRL-TR-2875, November 1987, 64 p.Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Physical and Chemical Mechanisms Behind Fire-Safe Fuels. Final Report.Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDBRL Report 1947, November 1976, 39 p.Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Magic Behind Fire Safe Fuels.Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDPaper 39,Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Fall Technical Meeting, 1976. November 18-19, 1976, Philadelphia, PA, 1-4 p., 1976Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Effect of Halons on the Autoignition of Propane.WSS/CI 75-27,Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Fall Meeting, 1975. October 20-21, 1975, Palo Alto, CA, 1-25 p., 1975Finnerty, A. E.; Polyanski, S.
view article (1.0)Powder Packs: A Passive Approach to Extinguishing Fire in Combat Vehicles. Technical Report. Auust 1988-June 1989.Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDJanuary 1991, 50 p.Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Fire Tests of Ammunition in Wooden Boxes. Final Report. October 1989-September 1990.Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDBRL-MR-3936, August 1991, 30 p.Finnerty, A. E.; Polyanski, S.
view article (1.0)Using Powder Packs for Passive Fire Protection of Military Vehicles.Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; Army Combat System Test Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDJournal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 3, 242-254, May/June 1993Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference, 39th. September 16-17, 1992, Plymouth, MA, ['1992', '1993']Tsang, W.; Miziolek, A. W.; Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Kinetic Aspects of Flame Inhibition by Halons and Halon Alternative Compounds.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDHalon Alternatives Technical Working Conference 1993. Proceedings. HOTWC 1993. (Halon Options Technical Working Conference.) University of New Mexico; New Mexico Engineering Research Institute; Center for Global Environmental Technologies; National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, Inc.; Halon Alternative Research Corp.; Fire Suppression Systems Assoc.; and Hughes Associates, Inc. May 11-13, 1993, Albuquerque, NM, 247-255 p., 1993Finnerty, A. E.
view article (1.0)Fire Prevention in Armored Vehicles.Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDBusiness Communications Co., Inc. (BCC). Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials: Materials, Applications, Industry Developments, Markets. Volume 4. May 18-20, 1993, Business Communications Co., Inc., Norwalk, CT, Stamford, CT, Lewin, M., Editors, 282-289 p., 1993