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Holen, J.; Brostrom, M.; Magnussen, B. F.
view article (1.0)Finite Difference Calculation of Pool Fires.SINTEF, Trondheim, NorwayCombustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 23rd. July 22-27, 1990, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Orleans, France, 1677-1683 p., 1991Opstad, K.; Wighus, R.; Holen, J.; Hekkelstrand, B.; Stensaas, J. P.
view article (1.0)Modelling of Hydrocarbon Fires Offshore. Final Report.SINTEF, NorwaySTF25 A91029, June 26, 1991, 133 p.Holen, J.; Magnussen, B. F.
view article (1.0)Present Status of Field Models for Fire Growth Developed at NTH/SINTEF.NTH/SINTEF, Trondheim, NorwayVTT-Technical Research Center of Finland and Forum for International Cooperation in Fire Research. Nordic Fire Safety Engineering Symposium. Development and Verification of Tools for Performance Codes. August 30-September 1, 1993, Espoo, Finland, 1-7 p., 1993Nicolette, V. F.; Gritzo, L. A.; Holen, J.
view article (1.0)Interaction of Large, Cold Objects With Engulfing Fires.Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM; SINTEF/NTH, Trondheim, NorwayNISTIR 5499, September 1994,National Institute of Standards and Technology. Annual Conference on Fire Research: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. October 17-20, 1994, Gaithersburg, MD, 169-170 p., 1994Gritzo, L. A.; Nicolette, V. F.; Tieszen, S. R.; Moya, J. L.; Holen, J.
view article (1.0)Heat Transfer to the Fuel Surface in Large Pool Fires.Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM; SINTEF, Trondheim, NorwayDepartment of Energy, Washington, DC,Transport Phenomena in Combustion. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion (ISTP-VIII). Volume 1. July 16-20, 1995, Taylor and Francis, Washington, DC, San Francisco, CA, Chan, S. H., Editors, 701-712 p., 1995Holen, J.; Magnussen, B. F.
view article (1.0)Case Studies With KAMELEON II FIRE.SINTEF, Trondheim, NorwaySession II; CFD 2,European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, First (1st). ABSTRACTS. Proceedings. Session II. CFD 2. August 21-23, 1995, Zurich, Switzerland, II-8/81-82 p., 1995