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Minne, R.
view article (1.0)Summary of Workshop No. 3: Regulations.Rijksuniversiteit, Gent, BelgiumCommission of the European Communities. Fires in Buildings. September 18-21, 1984, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, NY, Luxembourg, Mourareau, R.; Thomas, M., Editors, 415-418 p., 1985Janss, J.; Minne, R.
view article (1.0)Buckling of Steel Columns in Fire Conditions.C.R.I.F., Liege, Belgium; Ghent Univ., BelgiumFire Safety Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, 227-235, 1981/1982Herpol, G.; Minne, R.
view article (1.0)Research Performed in Gand University About the Meaning of the Concrete Floor Tests. (Les recherches effectuees a l'universite de gand sur la signification des essais de resistance au feu des planchers en beton.)Universite de l'Etat a Gand, BelgiumCollege International des Sciences de la Construction. Construction Security in Fire (La Securite de la Construction Face a l'Incendie). Proceedings of the Conference. 1977, 97-118 p., 1977Herpol, C.; Minne, R.; VanOutryve, E.
view article (1.0)Biological Evaluation of the Toxicity of Gases Produced Under Fire Conditions by Synthetic Materials. Part 1. Methods and Preliminary Experiments Concerning the Reaction of Animals to Simple Mixtures of Air and Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Monoxide.State University of Ghent, BelgiumCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 12, 217-228, 1976Herpol, C.; Minne, R.
view article (1.0)Biological Evaluation of the Toxicity of Gases Produced Under Fire Conditions by Synthetic Materials. Part 2. Behavior of Synthetic Materials in Definite Combustion Conditions as Compared to the Behavior of Traditional Materials in Same Conditions.State University of Ghent, BelgiumCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 12, 229-244, 1976Minne, R.
view article (1.0)Smoke Infiltration Into the Fire Escape Routes of Tall Buildings.Laboratorium Voor Anwanding der Brandstoffen en Warmte-overdracht Rukuniversiteit, Ghent, BelgiumPaper 19,Fire Research Station. Conseil International du Batiment (CIB) Symposium on the Control of Smoke Movement in Building Fires. Volume One. Papers. November 4-5, 1975, Watford, UK, 245-265 p., 1975Minne, R.
view article (1.0)Belgian Point of View on Testing Reactions to Fire Building Materials.State University of Ghent, BelgiumASTM STP 502,American Society for Testing and Materials. Ignition, Heat Release, and Noncombustibility of Materials. Proceedings. ASTM STP 502. October 6, 1971, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Washington, DC, Robertson, A. F., Editors, 35-55 p., 1972Minne, R.; Vandevelde, P.
view article (1.0)La resistance au few de murs et de cloisons. [Fire Resistance of Water-Tight Compartments and Construction Walls.]Dossier Technique 31, December 1979, 23 p.