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  • Moreac, G.; Dagaut, P.; Roesler, J. F.; Cathonnet, M.
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    Nitric Oxide Interactions With Hydrocarbon Oxidation in a Jet-Stirred Reactor at 10 atm.
    IFP, Rueil-Malmaison, France; CNRS, Laboratoire de Combustion et Systèmes Réactifs, Orléans Cedex 2, France
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 145, No. 3, 512-520, May 2006

  • Moreac, G.; Blurock, E. S.; Mauss, F.
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    Automatic Generation of a Detailed Mechanism for the Oxidation of n-Decane.
    Lund Univ., Sweden
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 178, No. 10-11, 2025-2038, October-November 2006
    Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Twentieth (20th) International Colloquium. Proceedings. July 31-August 5, 2005, Montreal, Canada, Sirignano, W. A.; Williams, F. A., Editors, 2006

  • Zeuch, T.; Moreac, G.; Ahmed, S. S.; Mauss, F.
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    Comprehensive Skeletal Mechanism for the Oxidation of n-Heptane Generated by Chemistry-Guided Reduction.
    Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Tammannstraße 6, 37077 Göttingen, Germany; Renault, 1, avenue du Golf, 78288 Guyancourt cedex, France; Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Sielower Straße 12, 03044 Cottbus, Germany
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 155, No. 4, 651-674, December 2008

  • Marchal, C.; Delfau, J. L.; Vovelle, C.; Moreac, G.; Mounaim-Roussell, C.; Mauss, F.
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    Modeling of Aromatics and Soot Formation From Large Fuel Molecules.
    ICARE-CNRS, 45071 Orleans Cedex 2, France; D.T.A.A. Renault, Guyancourt, France; L.M.E. Polytech, Université d'Orleans, France; B.T.U. Cottbus, Germany
    Volume 32; Part 1,
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 32nd. Proceedings. Volume 32. Part 1. August 3-8, 2008, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Montreal, Canada, Dagaut, P.; Sick, V., Editors, 753-759 p., 2009