displaying 1 - 10 results in total 17
Vaezi-Nejad, H.; Hutter, E.; Haves, P.; Dexter, A. L.; Kelly, G.; Nusgens, P.; Wang, S.
view article (1.0)Use of Building Emulators to Evaluate the Performance of Building Energy Management Systems.CSTB, France; Oxford Univ., UK; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Liege Univ., BelgiumBuilding Simulation Conference. August 20-23, 1991, Nice, France, 1-6 p., 1991Peitsman, H. C.; Wang, S.; Karki, S. H.; Park, C.; Haves, P.
view article (1.0)Reproducibility of Tests on Energy Management and Control Systems Using Building Emulators.TNO Building and Construction Research, Delft, The Netherlands; University of Liege, Belgium; Technical Resarch Center of Finland, Espoo, Finland; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; University of Technology, Loughborough, UKASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 100, No. 1, 1455-1464, January 199494-23-1,Nicovich, J. M.; Wang, S.; Wine, P. H.; McKee, M. L.
view article (1.0)Kinetics and Thermochemistry of the Cl(²P<sub>J</sub>) + C²Cl⁴ Association Reaction.Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Auburn Univ., ALUniversity of California, Berkeley. Toxic Toxic Combustion Byproducts. 4th International Congress. ABSTRACTS ONLY. June 5-7, 1995, Berkeley, CA, 136 p., 1995Wang, S.
view article (1.0)Ein Detektor fur spezielle Trands mit variabler Fensterlange und seine Anwendung in der automatischen Brandentdeckung. [Detector for Special Trends With Variable Window Length and Its Application to Automatic Fire Detection.]Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PR. ChinaUniversity of Duisburg. International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '95", 10th. Proceedings. [Internationale Konferenz uber Automatischen Brandentdeckung.] April 4-6, 1995, Duisburg, Germany, Luck, H., Editors, 357-367 p., 1995Gopalnarayana, S.; Floyd, R.; Wang, S.; Stubbs, L.; diMarzo, M.
view article (1.0)Issues and Techniques Associated With the Measurement of Properties of Fire Protection Foams.Maryland Univ., College ParkNISTIR 5904, October 1996,National Institute of Standards and Technology. Annual Conference on Fire Research: Book of Abstracts. October 28-31, 1996, Gaithersburg, MD, 139-140 p., 1996Wang, S.
view article (1.0)Trend-Duration and Gradient Detector for Automatic Fire Detection.Huazhong University of Science and Technology, People's Republic of ChinaFire Safety Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, 239-248, October 1996Tafreshi, A. M.; diMarzo, M.; Floyd, R.; Wang, S.
view article (1.0)Fire Protection Foam Thermal Physical Properties. June 1996-July 1997.Maryland Univ., College ParkNational Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST GCR 98-742, March 1998, 110 p.Wang, H.; Wang, S.; Dou, Z.; Yang, Z.
view article (1.0)Application of Wavelet Neural Network in Fire Detection.Hauzhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China; Universal Electronics Co., Inc.International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '99", 11th. Proceedings. University of Duisburg. [Internationale Konferenz uber Automatischen Brandentdeckung.] March 16-18, 1999, Duisburg, Germany, Luck, H., Editors, 208-212 p., 1999Wang, S.; Dou, Z.
view article (1.0)Biased Filter Algorithm of Multiple Sensor Signals for Automatic Fire Detection.Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China; Universal Electronics Co. Ltd.International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '99", 11th. Proceedings. University of Duisburg. [Internationale Konferenz uber Automatischen Brandentdeckung.] March 16-18, 1999, Duisburg, Germany, Luck, H., Editors, 347-353 p., 1999Coats, C. M.; Richardson, A. P.; Wang, S.
view article (1.0)Nonpremixed Combustion in Turbulent Mixing Layers. Part 2. Recirculation, Mixing and Flame Stabilization.University of Leicester, UK; University of Leeds, UKCombustion and Flame, Vol. 122, No. 3, 271-290, August 2000