FireDOC Search

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  • Broida, H. P.; Kostkowski, H. J.
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    Experimental Proof for the Existence of Nonthermal Rotational Distributions of OH in Flames.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 25, No. 4, 676-680, October 1956

  • Seiffert, V.
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    New Interpretation Method for High and Low Pressure Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Installations.
    German Association of Underwriters
    Fire Prevention, No. 196, 34-40, January/February 1987

  • Hunter, L. W.; Grunfelder, C.; Hoshall, C. H.; Fristrom, R. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Combustion of Polyvinyl Chloride Studied by a Low pressure Moving Wire Technique. Topical Report. Running Title: The Moving Wire Technique.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, 1978, 32 p.

  • Savadatti, M. I.; Broida, H. P.
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    Spectral Study of Flames of Carbon Vapor at Low Pressure.
    California Univ., Santa Barbara
    WSCI-66-13, 1966, 16 p.

  • Gray, P.; Mackinven, R.; Smith, D. B.
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    Combustion of Hydrogen and Oxygen With Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide--Laminar Flame Speeds and Flammability Limits at Low Pressure for Ternary Mixtures.
    Leeds Univ., England
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 11, No. 2, 109-119, April 1967

  • Bogan, D. J.; Havel, J. J.; Williams, F. W.
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    Low Pressure Studies of Peroxy and Alkoxy Radical Chemistry Initiated by Addition of Alkanes to Discharged Oxygen.
    Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. 1978 Fall Technical Meeting. November 29-30, 1978-December 1, 1978, Miami Beach, FL, 47/1-4 p., 1978

  • Hunter, L. W.; Grunfelder, C.; Hoshall, C. H.; Fristrom, R. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Combustion of Polyvinyl Chloride Studied by a Low Pressure Moving Wire Technique.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. 1978 Fall Technical Meeting. November 29-30, 1978-December 1, 1978, Miami Beach, FL, 59/1-4 p., 1978

  • Hunter, L. W.; Grunfelder, C.; Hoshall, C. H.; Fristrom, R. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Combustion of Polyvinyl Chloride Studied by a Low-Pressure Moving-Wire Technique.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 35, No. 2, 169-177, June 1979

  • Jayaraman, N. I.; Jankowski, R. A.
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    Atomization of Water Sprays for Quartz Dust Control.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    Applied Industrial Hygiene, Vol. 3, No. 2, 327-331, December 1988

  • Fornell, D. P.
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    Taking the Pressure Off Low-Pressure Fog Nozzles Hit the Streets.
    Beckerie and Company Hose Co., Danbury, CT
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 143, No. 12, 58-60,62-66,68, December 1990