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Blake, E. S.; Deebel, G. F.; Richardson, G. A.
view article (1.0)Development of Fire-Resistant Water Base Hydraulic Fluid. Bimonthly Report 2. June 1, 1964-July 31, 1964.Monsanto Research Corp., Dayton, OHDepartment of the Navy, Washington, DC, Bimonthly Report 2, 1964, 24 p.Gann, R. G.; Barnes, J. D.; Davis, S.; Harris, J. S.; Harris, R. H., Jr.; Herron, J. T.; Levin, B. C.; Mopsik, F. I.; Notarianni, K. A.; Nyden, M. R.; Paabo, M.; Ricker, R. E.
view article (1.0)Preliminary Screening Procedures and Criteria for Replacements for Halons 1211 and 1301.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDAir Force Engineering Lab., Tyndall AFB, FL, NIST TN 1278, August 1990, 311 p.Knoepfler, N. B.; Madacsi, J. P.; Neumeyer, J. P.
view article (1.0)Storage Stability of Boron Treated Cotton Batting Products That Meet Mattress Flammability Standard FF 4-72.Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LAAmerican Association of Textiles Chemists and Colorists. National Technical Conference, 1974. Book of Papers. Host: Gulf Coast Section. October 9-11, 1974, New Orleans, LA, AATCC, Research Triangle Park, NC, Editors, 52-61 p., 1974Gann, R. G.; Braun, E.; Cleary, T. G.; Harris, R. H., Jr.; Horkay, F.; Linteris, G. T.; McKenna, G. B.; Nyden, M. R.; Peacock, R. D.; Ricker, R. E.; Stoudt, M. R.; Waldron, W. K.
view article (1.0)Agent/System Compatibility for Halon 1301 Aviation Replacement.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environment Canada and United National Environmental Program. International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, 1993. Stratospheric Ozone Protection for the 90's. October 20-22, 1993, Washington, DC, 753-760 p., 1993Scheffey, J. L.; Wright, J. A.
view article (1.0)Analysis of Test Criteria for Specifying Foam Firefighting Agents for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting. Final Report.Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MDFederal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ, DOT/FAA/CT-94-04, August 1994, 93 p.Harris, R. H., Jr.
view article (1.0)Agent Stability Under Storage.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDNIST SP 890; Volume 1; Section 7, November 1995,Fire Suppression System Performance of Alternative Agents in Aircraft Engine and Dry Bay Laboratory Simulations. Volume 1. Section 7, Gann, R. G., Editors, 249-406 p., 1995Shelley, H.
view article (1.0)Storage Tank Fires: Is Your Department Prepared?Maryland Univ., College ParkFire Engineering, Vol. 161, No. 11, 63-64,66-68,70-72,74-78, November 2008