FireDOC Search

displaying 131 - 140 results in total 404

  • Kravontka, S. J.
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    False Fire Alarms in Urban Public Schools.
    Board of Education, New York
    Fire Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, 221-227, August 1974

  • Morrow, G. S.; Litton, C. D.
    view article (1.0)

    In-Mine Evaluation of Smoke Detectors.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    IC 9311, 1992, 17 p.

  • Smith, M.
    view article (1.0)

    'London Underground Detection System Minimises the Number of False Alarms.'
    Fire, Vol. 85, No. 1044, 22,24, June 1992

  • Bruckler, G.
    view article (1.0)

    Pulse Polling System Fire Detection With Intelligence.
    SIEMENS Osterreich, Wien, Austria
    Gepipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet. International Symposium on Fire Protection of Buildings, 3rd. May 10-12, 1990, Eger, Hungary, Banky, T.; Kovacs, B. D., Editors, 183-188 p., 1990

  • Szanto, J.; Jass, H. J.
    view article (1.0)

    Moderne Brandmeldetechnik verhindert Falschalarame. [Modern Fire Reporting Techniques Hindering False Alarms.]
    Alois Zettler, Germany
    Gepipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet. International Symposium on Fire Protection of Buildings, 3rd. May 10-12, 1990, Eger, Hungary, Banky, T.; Kovacs, B. D., Editors, 189-196 p., 1990

  • Donohue, P. A.
    view article (1.0)

    False Alarms From Automatic Fire Detection Systems.
    Building Research Establishment, Garston, England
    BRE IP 13/92, June 1992, 4 p.

  • Appleton, B.
    view article (1.0)

    Development of Fire Safety on London Underground.
    Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Department and The Institution of Fire Engineers, Northern Branch. Fire Risk Assessment: Opportunity or Problem? Joint Conference. March 26, 1993, 1-11 p., 1993

  • Thuillard, M.
    view article (1.0)

    New Methods for Reducing the Number of False Alarms in Fire Detection Systems.
    Cerberus AG, Mannedorf, Switzerland
    Fire Technology, Vol. 30, No. 2, 250-268, Second Quarter, 1994
    National Fire Protection Association. Annual Conference. May 24-16, 1993, Orlando, FL, 1-23 p., ['1993', '1994']

  • Goedeke, A. D.; Gross, H. G.
    view article (1.0)

    Characteristics of Optical Fire Detector False Alarm Sources and Qualifications Test Procedures to Prove Immunity. Final Report. April 8, 199l-October 8, 1992.
    Donmar Limited, Newport Beach, CA
    Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency, Tyndall AFB, FL, CEL-TR-92-62, October 8, 1992, 388 p.

  • deVries, J. S.
    view article (1.0)

    Study of False Alarm Reduction in Forest Fire Detection.
    TNO Defense Research, Netherlands
    TDCK-93-0742, March 1993, 37 p.