FireDOC Search

displaying 251 - 260 results in total 318

  • Fredriksson, G.
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    Marine Firefighting Systems for the Future.
    Fire Europe, Vol. 92, No. 1128, 5-6,8-10, June 1999

  • Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut
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    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 83 p., 1997

  • Arvidson, M.
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    Brandscenariet avgor valet av system.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 6-11 p., 1997

  • Isaksson, S.
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    Dimensionering av system: fran provning till fardig installation.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 12-17 p., 1997

  • Jacobsen, S. E.
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    Godkjennelse av systemer til marint bruk.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 18-26 p., 1997

  • Nordstrom, P.
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    Vattendimma ombord pa passagerarfartgy.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 27-28 p., 1997

  • Carlzon, B.
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    Brandskydd i datorhallar.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 29-34 p., 1997

  • Sodergren, U.
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    Brandslackning med vattendimma i gasturbininstallationer.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 35-41 p., 1997

  • Willberg, L. E.
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    Vattendimma ur forsakringsbranschens perspektiv.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 42-48 p., 1997

  • Jonsson, H.
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    Anvandning av hogtrycksvttensprinkler vid brandslackning.
    SP RAPPORT 1997:02,
    Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 49-53 p., 1997