FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 25

  • Sekizawa, A.; Nakahama, S.; Ikehata, Y.; Ebihara, M.; Notake, H.
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    Study on Feasibility of Evacuation by Elevators in a High-Rise Building. Case Study for the Evacuation in the Hiroshima Motomachi High-Rise Apartments.
    National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, Tokyo, Japan; Taisei Corporation, Japan; Shimizu Corp., Tokyo, Japan
    Human Behavior in Fire: Understanding Human Behavior for Better Fire Safety Design. International Symposium, 2nd. Proceedings. March 26-28, 2001, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Boston, MA, 65-76 p., 2001

  • Ebihara, M.; Notake, H.; Yashiro, Y.
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    Study on the Security Staff's Action Taken in the Event of a Building Fire.
    Shimizu Corporation, Japan
    Human Behavior in Fire: Understanding Human Behavior for Better Fire Safety Design. International Symposium, 2nd. Proceedings. March 26-28, 2001, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Boston, MA, 341-348 p., 2001

  • Notake, H.; Ebihara, M.; Yashiro, Y.
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    Fire Risk Assessment Method for Fire Prevention Actions Performed by Security Staffs.
    Shimizu Corp., Tokyo, Japan
    Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 4th Proceedings. Co-Organized by Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology (AOAFST) and Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering (JAFSE). May 24-26, 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 647-648 p., 2000

  • Ebihara, M.; Notake, H.; Yashiro, Y.
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    Fire Risk Assessment Method Based on an Idea of Fire Phase.
    Shimizu Corp., Tokyo, Japan
    Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 4th Proceedings. Co-Organized by Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology (AOAFST) and Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering (JAFSE). May 24-26, 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 649-650 p., 2000

  • Johnson, P.; Hewitt, J.; Callander, M.; Paverley, J.; Loveridge, R.; Lundqvist, M.; Grace, T.; Daimatsu, S.; Hokugo, A.; Nanbu, A.; Nakamichi, A.; Notake, H.; Matsuyama, K.; Yamaguchi, J.; Ohmiya, Y.; Hagiwara, I.; Harada, K.; Tomatsu, t.; Tanka, T.
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    Arup Fire, Sydney, Australia
    Koyto Univ., Japan; Society of Fire Safety, Melbourne, Australia; International Council for Research and Innovation in Building Construction, Sweden,
    Fire Safety Design of a High Rise Hotel. Australian Case Study. Japanese Case Study. Volume 1. Case Studies. Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 4th International Conference. Proceedings. March 20-22, 2002, Melbourne, Australia, Almand, K.; Coate, C.; England, P.; Gordon, J., Editors, 130 p., 2002

  • Harada, K.; Tanaka, T.; Ohmiya, Y.; Notake, H.; Kobayashi, H.; Tomatsu, T.; Mizuno, M.; Nanbu, A.; Matsuyama, K.; Wakamatsu, K.
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    Fire Safety Design of Commercial Comples: Japan's Case Study.
    Kyoto Univ., Japan; Building Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan; Osaki Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan; Nihon Sekkei Co., Tokyo, Japan; Science University of Tokyo, Japan; Ochanomizu Univ., Tokyo, Japan
    Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 3rd International Conference. Proceedings. June 15-17, 2000, Lund, Sweden, Jonsson, R.; Almand, K.; Maskas, J., Editors, 404-415 p., 2000

  • Sekizawa, A.; Nakahama, S.; Notake, H.; Ebihara, M.; Ikehata, Y.
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    Study on Feasibility of Evacuation Using Elevators in a High-Rise Building. Is Use of Elevator in Evacuation Really Effective for General People?
    Tokyo Univ., Japan; Taisei Corp., Japan; Shimizu Corp., Japan
    Use of Elevators in Fires and Other Emergencies Workshop. Proceedings. Co-Sponsored by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International); National Institute of Stanards and Technology (NIST); International Code Council (ICC); National Fire Protection Association (NFPA); U.S. Access Board and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). March 2-4, 2004, Atlanta, GA, 1-15 p., 2004

  • Notake, H.; Sekizawa, A.; Kobayashi, M.; Mammoto, A.; Ebihara, M.
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    How to Save the Lives of Vulnerable People From Residential Fires?
    Tokyo Univ., Japan; Hochiki Corp., Japan
    Human Behavior in Fire: Public Fire Safety - Professionals in Partnership. International Symposium, 3rd. Proceedings. September 1-3, 2004, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Belfast, N. Ireland, 315-326 p., 2004

  • Ebihara, M.; Sekizawa, A.; Nakahama, S.; Notake, H.; Ikehata, Y.
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    Analysis on Efficiency of Evacuation Using Elevators in a High-Rise Building.
    Tokyo Univ., Japan; Taisei Corp., Japan; Shimizu Corp., Japan
    Human Behavior in Fire: Public Fire Safety - Professionals in Partnership. International Symposium, 3rd. Proceedings. September 1-3, 2004, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Belfast, N. Ireland, 377-397 p., 2004

  • Harada, K.; Natori, A.; Kadoya, M.; Nakamura, M.; Notake, H.; Yamaguchi, J.; Nakamichi, A.; Fukui, K.; Yamada, T.; Tomatsu, T.; Ohmiya, Y.; Matsuyama, K.; Takeichi, N.; Hagiwara, I.; Ebihara, M.; Tanaka, T.
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    Fire Safety Design of International Transportation Center (Japanese Case Study.)
    Volume 2,
    Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 5th International Conference. Proceedings. Volume 2: Japanese Case Study. October 6-8, 2004, Luxembourg, Almand, K.; Attlan, J. M.; D'Hoop, J. M.; Gordon, J.; Jonsson, R.; Kruppa, J., Editors, 120 p., 2004