FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 22

  • Hormann, H. H.; Stepnowski, J. J.
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    Thermal Degradation of Coatings and Coating Polymers by Thermogravimetric Analysis. Part 1. Apparatus Design and Calibration.
    Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    ML TDR 64-172, September 1964, 22 p.

  • Berlad, A. L.
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    Combustion Modeling for Experimentation in a Space Environment.
    State University of New York, Stony Brook
    WSS/CI 74-18,
    Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Fall Meeting, 1974. October 21-22, 1974, Northridge, CA, 1-38 p., 1974

  • Lederer, J.
    view article (1.0)

    NASA Safety Research.
    Fight Safety Foundation, Inc., Arlington, VA
    Flight Safety Foundation, Inc. Annual Corporate Aircraft SafetySeminar, 17th. April 17-18, 1972, Arlington, VA, 8-12 p., 1972

  • Apostolakis, G. E.; Catton, I.; Paulos, T.; Paxton, K.; Jones, S.
    view article (1.0)

    Findings of a Review of Spacecraft Fire Safety Needs. Final Contractor Report.
    California Univ., Los Angeles
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, UCLA ENG 92-19; NASA CR-189181, July 1992, 206 p.

  • Reuther, J. J.
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    Design of Low-Gravity Fire-Suppression Experiments: Application to Space and Earth-Based Agent Development.
    Battelle, Columbus, OH
    Halon Alternatives Technical Working Conference 1991. Proceedings. HOTWC 1991. (Halon Options Technical Working Conference.) University of New Mexico; New Mexico Engineering Research Institute; Center for Global Environmental Technologies; National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, Inc.; Halon Alternative Research Corp.; and Halon Research Inst. April 30-May 1, 1991, Albuquerque, NM, 142-152 p., 1991

  • Tennyson, R. C.
    view article (1.0)

    Composites In Space: Applications and Design Challenges.
    University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, Canada
    International Community for Composites Engineering (ICCE). Proceedings of International Conference on Composites Engineering. ICCE/1. August 28-31, 1994, New Orleans, LA, Hui, D., Editors, 11-12 p., 1994

  • Startsev, O. V.; Rudnev, V. P.; Ivonin, Y. N.; Nikishin, Y. F; Barbashev, Y. E.; Bogatov, V. A.; Perov, B. V.
    view article (1.0)

    Effect of Exposure to Outer Space on Some Physical Properties of Organic Glass.
    Polymer Science U.S.S.R., Vol. 29, No. 12, 2836-2844, 1987

  • Radnofsky, M. I.
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    Wonder Fabrics Heralding the 21st Century.
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC
    Southern Burn Institute and Rehabilitation Center. Flame-Free '72. Flame-Free Design Conference. Proceedings. March 1972, Houston, TX, 19-21 p., 1972

  • Cavalier, S. E.
    view article (1.0)

    Products-of-Combustion Detector Test.
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, TX
    Report No. 108-07-25; Job No. 2-020(16), January 1969, 10 p.

  • Fay, C. C.; Stoakley, D. M.; St. Clair, A. K.
    view article (1.0)

    Molecularly Oriented Polymeric Thin Films for Space Applications.
    NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
    Materials and Process Affordability Keys to the Future. SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, 43rd International Proceedings. Volume 43. Book 1 and Book 2. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE). May 31-June 4, 1998, Anaheim, CA, Kliger, H. S.; Rasmussen, B.; Pilato, L. A.; Tolle, T. B., Editors, 1178-1189 p., 1998