displaying 11 - 20 results in total 27
Yuen, W. W.
view article (1.0)Modeling and Data Evaluation of the WSTF Frictional Heating Test Facility.California Univ., Santa BarbaraASTM STP 1040,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 4th International Symposium. Volume 4. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1040. April 11-13, 1989, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Las Cruces, NM, Stoltzfus, J. M.; Benz, F. J.; Stradling, J. S., Editors, 76-90 p., 1989Wharton, R. K.; Nolan, P. F.; Swindells, I.
view article (1.0)Further Studies of Factors That Affect the Spontaneous Ignition Temperatures of Non-Metallic Materials in Gaseous Oxygen.Health and Safety Executive, Buxton, England; South Bank Polytechnic, London, EnglandASTM STP 1040,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 4th International Symposium. Volume 4. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1040. April 11-13, 1989, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Las Cruces, NM, Stoltzfus, J. M.; Benz, F. J.; Stradling, J. S., Editors, 106-124 p., 1989Barthelemy, H.; Delode, G.; Vagnard, G.
view article (1.0)Oxygen Compatibility of Pressure Regulators for Gas Cylinders.L'air Liquide Direction Technologie, Le Blanc Mesnil, FranceASTM STP 1040,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 4th International Symposium. Volume 4. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1040. April 11-13, 1989, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Las Cruces, NM, Stoltzfus, J. M.; Benz, F. J.; Stradling, J. S., Editors, 267-287 p., 1989Irani, R. S.; Currie, J. L.; Sanders, J.
view article (1.0)Evolving Non-Swelling Elastomers for High Pressure Oxygen Environments.BOC Ltd., Surrey, England; BOC Ltd., London, EnglandASTM STP 1040,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 4th International Symposium. Volume 4. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1040. April 11-13, 1989, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Las Cruces, NM, Stoltzfus, J. M.; Benz, F. J.; Stradling, J. S., Editors, 309-331 p., 1989Saito, F.
view article (1.0)Smoke Generation From Organic Materials.Building Research Institute, Tokyo, JapanJapanese Association of Fire Science and Engineering. Main Reports on Production Movement and Control of Smoke in Buildings. Occasional Report. No. 1. 1974, 5-36 p., 1974Nelson, L. S.; Northrup, C. J. M.; Wemple, R. P.; Richardson, N. L.; Fastle, D. J.; Planner, H. N.; Keil, K.
view article (1.0)Zirconium-Oxygen Photoflash Reaction at Oxygen Pressures From 1 to 124 Atmospheres.Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, NM; New Mexico Univ., AlbuquerqueAtomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC, WSS/CI 74-34; SAND 74-5170,Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Fall Meeting, 1974. October 21-22, 1974, Northridge, CA, 1-29 p., 1974Stoltzfus, J.; Lowrie, R.; Gunaji, M. V.
view article (1.0)Burn Propagation Behavior of Wire Mesh Made From Several Alloys.National Aeronautics and Space Administration, White Sands Test Facility, Las Cruces, NM; BOC Group, Inc., Murray Hill, NYASTM STP 1111,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. Volume 5. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1111. May 14-16, 1991, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Cocoa Beach, FL, Stoltzfus, J. M.; McIlroy, K., Editors, 326-337 p., 1991Federal Fire Council
view article (1.0)Federal Fire Council, Washington, DCFederal Fire Council. Missile Silo Fire at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas and Fire Protection Problems for Special Atmospheres - Including Oxygen. Annual Meeting Minutes. April 5, 1967, Washington, DC, 40 p., 1967Macek, A. J.; Semple, J. M.
view article (1.0)Experimental Burning Rates and Combustion Mechanisms of Single Beryllium Particles. Project SQUID. Technical Report.Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, VAPurdue Univ., Lafayette, IN, ARC-11-PU, March 1968, 22 p.Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 12th. July 14-20. 1968, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Poitiers, France, 71-81 p., 1968Hshieh, F. Y.; Bryan, C. J.; Pedley, M. D.
view article (1.0)Communication: Autoignition Temperature of Carbon-Filled Fluoroelastomers at Elevated Oxygen Pressure.Allied Signal Technical Services Corp. Team, Las Cruces, NM; NASA Kennedy Space Center, KSC, FL; NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TXFire and Materials, Vol. 18, No. 6, 389-391, 1994