FireDOC Search

displaying 21 - 30 results in total 112

  • Raufaste, N. J., Jr.
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    NIST SP 796, September 1990,
    U.S./Japan Natural Resources Development Program (UJNR). Wind and Seismic Effects. Joint Meeting of the U.S./Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, 22nd. May 15-18, 1990, Gaithersburg, MD, Raufaste, N. J., Jr., Editors, 524 p., 1990

  • Cheok, G. S.; Stone, W. C.
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    Behavior of 1/6-Scale Model Bridge Columns Subjected to Inelastic Cyclic Loading.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 87, No. 6, 630-638, November/December 1990

  • Raufaste, N. J., Jr.
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    NIST SP 820, September 1991,
    U.S./Japan Natural Resources Development Program (UJNR). Wind and Seismic Effects. Joint Meeting of the U.S./Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, 23rd. May 14-17, 1991, Tsukuba, Japan, Raufaste, N. J., Jr., Editors, 636 p., 1991

  • Stone, W. C.; Taylor, A. W.
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    System Identification of Spirally Reinforced Circular Bridge Columns Subjected to Cyclic Lateral Loading.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    NIST SP 820, September 1991,
    U.S./Japan Natural Resources Development Program (UJNR). Wind and Seismic Effects. Joint Meeting of the U.S./Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, 23rd. May 14-17, 1991, Tsukuba, Japan, Raufaste, N. J., Jr., Editors, 269-293 p., 1991

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency; National Fire Protection Association
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    Loma Prieta (San Francisco/Monterey Bay) Earthquake Emergency Response and Stabilization Study.
    National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emmitsburg, MD, FA-103, September 1991, 77 p.

  • Equchi, R. T., Editor
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    Dames and Moore, Los Angeles, CA
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC; Public Works Research Institute, Tuskuba, Japan, NIST SP 840, August 1992, 468 p.
    U.S./Japan Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Prevention for Lifeline Systems, 4th Proceedings. August 19-21, 1991, Los Angeles, CA, Equchi, R. T., Editors, 1992

  • Raufaste, N. J., Jr.
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    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    NIST SP 843, September 1992,
    U.S./Japan Natural Resources Development Program (UJNR). Wind and Seismic Effects. Joint Meeting of the U.S./Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, 24th. May 19-22, 1992, Tsukuba, Japan, Raufaste, N. J., Jr., Editors, 636 p., 1992

  • Stone, W. C.; Taylor, A. W.
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    Predictive Model for Hysteretic Failure Parameters.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 10th Proceedings. July 19-24, 1992, A. A. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, Madrid, Spain, 2575-2580 p., 1992

  • Taylor, A. W.; Lin, A. N.; Martin, J. W.
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    Performance of Elastomers in Isolation Bearings: A Literature Review.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 8, No. 2, 279-303, May 1992

  • Stone, W. C.; Taylor, A. W.
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    Seismic Performance of Circular Bridge Columns Designed in Accordance With AASHTO/CALTRANS Standards.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Federal Highway Administration, McLean, VA
    NIST BSS 170, February 1993, 129 p.