FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 1432

  • National Bureau of Standards
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    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    NBS SP 302,
    National Bureau of Standards. Thermal Conductivity. 7th Conference Proceedings. November 13-16, 1967, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Flynn, D. R.; Peavy, B. A., Jr., Editors, 818 p., 1968

  • Rudolph, K.; Richter, E.; Hass, R.; Kuast, U.
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    Principles for Calculation of Load-Bearing and Deformation Behavior of Composite Structural Elements Under Fire Action.
    Technical Univ. of Braunschweig, West Germany
    International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 1st International Symposium. October 7-11, 1985, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., NY, Gaithersburg, MD, Grant, C. E.; Pagni, P. J., Editors, 301-310 p., 1986

  • You, H. Z.; Faeth, G. M.
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    Investigation of Fire Impingement on a Horizontal Ceiling.
    Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 81-304, December 1981, 83 p.

  • You, H. Z.; Faeth, G. M.
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    Investigation of Fire Impingement on a Horizontal Ceiling.
    Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 80-251, July 1980, 49 p.

  • Shalev, I.; Barker, R. L.
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    Predicting the Thermal Protective Performance of Heat-Protective Fabrics From Basic Properties.
    Shenkar College of Textile Technology and Fashion, Ramat-Gan, Israel; North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh
    ASTM STP 900,
    ASTM. Performance of Protective Clothing. 1st International Symposium. ASTM STP 900. July 16-20, 1984, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Raleigh, NC, Barker, R. L.; Coletta, G. C., Editors, 358-375 p., 1984

  • Liu, V. K.; Lloyd, J. R.
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    One Dimensional Radiation Model for Surfaces and Non-Homogeneous Gases and Soot.
    Notre Dame, Univ., IN
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 78-151; TR-79002781, March 6, 1978, 96 p.

  • Fernandez-Pello, A. C.
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    Experimental Investigation of Flame Spread Over Condensed Combustibles: Gas Phase Interactions.
    Princeton Univ., NJ
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 78-117, December 1977, 28 p.

  • Wickstrom, U.
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    Numerical Procedure for Calculating Temperature in Hollow Structures Exosed to Fire.
    California Unv., Berkeley; Lund Inst. of Tech., Sweden
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, CIB W14/79/38 (S); NBS GCR 77-100; Report 79-3, August 1977, 62 p.

  • Zukoski, E. E.; Kubota, T.
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    Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer from Buoyant Gas Plume to a Horizontal Ceiling. Part 2. Effects of Ceiling Layer. Quarterly Progress Report. June 1975-September 1975.
    California Inst. of Tech., Pasadena
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 77-98, 1975, 78 p.

  • Veldman, C. C.; Kubota, T.; Zukoski, E. E.
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    Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer from a Buoyant Gas Plume to a Horizontal Ceiling. Part 1. Unobstructed Ceiling. Quarterly Progress. March 1975-June 1975.
    California Inst. of Tech., Pasadena
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 77-97, 1975, 115 p.