displaying 41 - 50 results in total 137
Sivathanu, Y. R.; Kounalakis, M. E.; Gore, J. P.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Radiation From Turbulent Nonluminous and Luminous Diffusion Flames.Michigan Univ., Ann ArborNational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST GCR 88-553, October 1987, 91 p.Sivathanu, Y. R.; Gore, J. P.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Scalar Properties in the Overfire Region of Sooting Turbulent Diffusion Flames.Michigan Univ., Ann ArborCombustion and Flame, Vol. 73, No. 3, 315-329, September 1988Groff, E. G.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Laminar Combustion of Vertical Free-Standing Fuel Surfaces.Pennsylvania State Univ., University ParkCombustion and Flame, Vol. 32, 139-150, 1978Ahmad, T.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Fire Induced Plumes Along a Vertical Wall. Part 3. The Turbulent Combusting Plume. July 1, 1975-December 31, 1977.Pennsylvania State Univ., University ParkNational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Part 3, March 1978, 72 p.You, H. Z.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Fire Impingement on a Ceiling.Pennsylvania State Univ., University ParkCombustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. 1978 Fall Technical Meeting. November 29-30, 1978-December 1, 1978, Miami Beach, FL, 9/1-4 p., 1978Kounalakis, M. E.; Gore, J. P.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Mean and Fluctuating Radiation Properties of Nonpremixed Turbulent Carbon Monoxide/Air Flames.Michigan Univ., Ann ArborJournal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 111, 1021-1030, November 1989National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, 1988, 11 p.Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Opportunities in Combustion Science.Michigan Univ., Ann ArborNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center. International Microgravity Combustion Workshop. January 25-26, 1989, Cleveland, OH, 1-2 p., 1989Ahmad, T.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Combustion in Turbulent Fire Plumes on a Vertical Wall.Pennsylvania State Univ., University ParkCombustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Fall Meeting, 1977. November 10-11, 1977, United Technologies Research Center, CT, East Hartford, CT, IV-26 p., 1977Liburdy, J. A.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Fire Induced Plumes Along a Vertical Wall. Part 1. The Turbulent, Weakly Buoyant Region. July 1, 1975-June 30, 1977.Pennsylvania State Univ., University ParkNational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Part 1, July 1977, 54 p.Kounalakis, M. E.; Gore, J. P.; Faeth, G. M.
view article (1.0)Turbulence/Radiation Interactions in Nonpremixed Hydrogen/Air Flames.Michigan Univ., Ann ArborCombustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 22nd. August 14-19, 1988, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Seattle, WA, 1281-1290 p., 1989