FireDOC Search

displaying 41 - 50 results in total 52

  • Harada, K.; Tanaka, T.; Ohmiya, Y.; Notake, H.; Kobayashi, H.; Tomatsu, T.; Mizuno, M.; Nanbu, A.; Matsuyama, K.; Wakamatsu, K.
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    Fire Safety Design of Commercial Comples: Japan's Case Study.
    Kyoto Univ., Japan; Building Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan; Osaki Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan; Nihon Sekkei Co., Tokyo, Japan; Science University of Tokyo, Japan; Ochanomizu Univ., Tokyo, Japan
    Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 3rd International Conference. Proceedings. June 15-17, 2000, Lund, Sweden, Jonsson, R.; Almand, K.; Maskas, J., Editors, 404-415 p., 2000

  • Nii, D.; Nitta, K.; Harada, K.; Yamaguchi, J.
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    Air Entrainment Into Mechanical Smoke Vent on Ceiling.
    Kyoto Univ., Japan; Obayashi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
    Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). June 16-21, 2003, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Worcester, MA, Evans, D. D., Editors, 729-740 p., 2003

  • Suzuki, K.; Harada, K.; Tanaka, T.
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    Multi-Layer Zone Model for Predicting Fire Behavior in a Single Room.
    Shimizu Corp., Tokyo, Japan; Kyoto Univ., Japan
    Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). June 16-21, 2003, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Worcester, MA, Evans, D. D., Editors, 851-862 p., 2003

  • Harada, K.; Yusa, S.; Ohmiya, Y.; Suzuki, J.; Ishihara, T.; Shimamura, M.; Wakamatsu, T.
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    Simple Formula to Predict Temperature Rise of Protected and Unprotected Structural Steel Elements.
    Kyoto Univ., Japan; Building Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan; Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan
    Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). POSTER ABSTRACTS. June 16-21, 2003, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Worcester, MA, Evans, D. D., Editors, 1209-1209 p., 2003

  • Harada, K.; Ohmiya, Y.; Natori, A.; Nakamichi, A.
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    Technical Basis on Structural Fire Resistance Design in Building Standards Law of Japan.
    Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan; Tokyo University of Science, Yamasaki 2641, Noda 278-8510, Japan; Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan, Tokyo 101-0054, Japan; 4 General Building Research Corporation of Japan, Osaka 540-0024, Japan
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 28, No. 2/4, 323-341, March/August 2004

  • Harada, K.; Natori, A.; Kadoya, M.; Nakamura, M.; Notake, H.; Yamaguchi, J.; Nakamichi, A.; Fukui, K.; Yamada, T.; Tomatsu, T.; Ohmiya, Y.; Matsuyama, K.; Takeichi, N.; Hagiwara, I.; Ebihara, M.; Tanaka, T.
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    Fire Safety Design of International Transportation Center (Japanese Case Study.)
    Volume 2,
    Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 5th International Conference. Proceedings. Volume 2: Japanese Case Study. October 6-8, 2004, Luxembourg, Almand, K.; Attlan, J. M.; D'Hoop, J. M.; Gordon, J.; Jonsson, R.; Kruppa, J., Editors, 120 p., 2004

  • Harada, K.
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    Role of Fire Prevention Technology: Discussions on Recent Examples of Fire.
    Kyoto Univ., Japan
    Fire Science and Technology [Special Issue] (International Journal for Fire Science and Technology), Vol. 23, No. 4, 270-273, 2004
    What Will 21st Century Fire Science and Technology Pursue? Proceedings. Part 2. First (1st) Symposium of the 21st Century COE Program, "A Center for Advanced Fire Safety Science and Technology for Buildings. Organized by Tokyo University of Science. March 9, 2004, Tokyo, Japan, 2004

  • Mizuno, M.; Harada, K.; Wakamatsu, T.
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    Analysis on Target Safety Level for Egress From a Fire Room and a Fire Floor in Typical Office Buildings.
    Tokyo University of Science, Japan; Kyoto Univ., Japan
    Fire Science and Technology (International Journal for Fire Science and Technology), Vol. 23, No. 5, 402-462, 2004

  • Natori, A.; Kakae, N.; Kitahori, J.; Tsuchihashi, T.; Abe, T.; Nagaoka, T.; Ohmiya, Y.; Harada, K.
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    Development of a Simple Estimation Method of Heat Release Rate Based on Classification of Common Combustibles Into Category Groups.
    Kyoto Univ., Japan; Tokyo University of Science, Japan; General Building Research Corporation of Japan; Sanyu Civil Engineering, Japan; Takenaka Corp., Japan
    Fire Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, 31-54, 2006

  • Kakae, N.; Harada, K.; Tsuchihashi, T.; Tanaka, Y.; Ohmiya, Y.
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    Size and Shape Dependences of Heat Release Rate History of Urethane Mattress.
    Tokyo University of Science 2641, Yamasaki, Noda, Chiba 278-8510, Japan; General Building Research Corporation of Japan, Osaka
    Volume 1; Poster Session,
    Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 1. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 739-744 p., 2007