FireDOC Search

displaying 41 - 50 results in total 118

  • Macaskie, L. E.
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    Application of Biotechnology to the Treatment of Wastes Produced From the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Biodegradation and Bioaccumulation as a Means of Treating Radionuclide-Containing Streams.
    Oxford Univ., UK
    Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 1, 41-112, 1991

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    view article (1.0)

    NRC Safety Research in Support of Regulation, FY 1992.
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
    NUREG-1266, Vol. 7, May 1993, 100 p.

  • Cooke, F.
    view article (1.0)

    Importance of Recycling Today.
    Polymers and Rubber Asia, Vol. 4, No. 24, 16-17, October 1989

  • Blcok-Bolton, A.; Olson, D.; Persson, P. A.; Sandstrom, F.
    view article (1.0)

    Polyethylene Waste Form Evaluation of Explosion and Fire Hazards. Final Report.
    New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM
    Los Alamos National Lab., NM, CETR Report FR-91-03; LA-SUB-93-21, June 8, 1991, 74 p.

  • Callan, M. J.
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    When Is a Hazardous Release an Emergency?
    Fire Training Associates, Meriden, CT
    NFPA Journal, Vol. 88, No. 2, 18,109, March/April 1994

  • Hayes, W. K.
    view article (1.0)

    Recycle And/Or Disposal of Flame Retardant Plastics.
    Ethyl Corp., Baton Rouge, LA
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Customer Demands for Improved Total Performance of Flame Retarded Materials. October 26-29, 1993, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Tucson, AZ, 283-287 p., 1993

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    view article (1.0)

    NRC Safety Research in Support of Regulation, FY 1993.
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
    NUREG-1266, Vol. 8, June 1994, 89 p.

  • Apostolakis, G. E.; Wu, J.S.
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    University of California, Los Angeles
    PSAM-II Proceedings. An International Conference Devoted to the Advancement of System-Based Methods for the Design and Operation of Technological Systems and Processes. Volume 2. Sessions 37-72. March 20-25, 1994, San Diego, CA, Apostolakis, G. E.; Wu, J. S., Editors, 1994

  • Stearn, S. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Risk Analysis in Regulation and Risk Communication.
    Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution, London, England
    PSAM-II Proceedings. An International Conference Devoted to the Advancement of System-Based Methods for the Design and Operation of Technological Systems and Processes. Volume 2. Sessions 37-72. March 20-25, 1994, San Diego, CA, Apostolakis, G. E.; Wu, J. S., Editors, 069/11-15 p., 1994

  • Wilmot, R. G.; Galson, D. A.
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    Validation: What Should a Regulator Look for in a Safety Case?
    Galson Sciences Ltd., Leicestershire, England
    PSAM-II Proceedings. An International Conference Devoted to the Advancement of System-Based Methods for the Design and Operation of Technological Systems and Processes. Volume 2. Sessions 37-72. March 20-25, 1994, San Diego, CA, Apostolakis, G. E.; Wu, J. S., Editors, 069/17-22 p., 1994