FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 118

  • Millar, J. D.
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    NIOSH Testimony on Worker Protection Standards for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.
    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH
    November 11, 1988, 5 p.

  • May, J. P.
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    User's Guide for INSLOPE3: A Computer Code to Analyze the Effect of Haulage Truck Operation on Dump Point Stability.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 9291, 1991, 25 p.

  • Jensen, A. V.
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    Hazards of Chemical Rockets and Propellants Handbook. Volume 2. Solid Rocket Propellant Processing, Handling, Storage and Transportation.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Silver Spring, MD
    Department of the Navy, Washington, DC, CPIA/194, May 1972, 99 p.

  • Westinghouse Electric Corporation
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    Position Paper on Flammability Concerns Associated With TRU Waste Destined for WIPP.
    Westinghouse Electric Corp., Carlsbad, NM
    DOE/WIPP-91-018, April 1991, 112 p.

  • Department of Energy
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    Landfill Gas Research and Development Studies: Calvert and Stewartby Landfill Sites. Contractor Report.
    Department of Energy, UK
    ETSU B 1164, 1989, 70 p.

  • Steere, N. V.
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    Safety in the Chemical Laboartory. Part 104. New Fire Safety Standard Adopted for Laboratories in Health-Related Institutions.
    Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 50, No. 7, A367-A369, July 1973

  • Tsang, W.
    view article (1.0)

    Chemistry of Hazardous Waste Incineration.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Fall Technical Meeting, 1990. December 3-5, 1990, Orlando, FL, B/1-11 p., 1990

  • Congres Mondial du Batiment
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    Poster Book - Recueil d'affiches. Tome 1. Topics 1A. to 1D., 2A. to 2E. and 5F. CIB 92. May 18-22, 1992.
    Congres Mondial du Batiment, Montreal, Canada
    CIB 92; Tome 1,
    Congres Mondial du Batiment. Poster Book - Recueil d'affiches. Tome 1. Topics 1A. to 1D., 2A. to 2E. and 5F. CIB 92. May 18-22, 1992, Montreal, Canada, 273 p., 1992

  • Westinghouse Electric Corporation
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    WIPP Fire Hazards and Risk Analysis.
    Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA
    Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, NM, DOE/WIPP-91-031, May 1991, 363 p.

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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    NRC Safety Research in Support of Regulation, FY 1991.
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
    NUREG-1266, Vol. 6, April 1992, 85 p.