FireDOC Search

displaying 51 - 60 results in total 75

  • Wanna, J. T.; Jupe, R.; Chen, P. L.; Greear, L. C.
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    Effect of Cotton Duck #6 Inter-Bolt Variability on Cigarette Ignition Propensity Test Outcome.
    Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp., Macon, GA
    Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 4, 313-324, July/August 1996

  • Totten, G. E.; Webster, G. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Fire Resistance Testing Procedures: A Review and Analysis.
    Union Carbide Corp., Tarrytown, NJ
    ASTM STP 1284; ASTM PCN 04-012840-12,
    American Society for Testing and Materials. Fire Resistance of Industrial Fluids. ASTM STP 1284. Proceedings. June 20, 1995, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Indianapolis, IN, Totten, G. E.; Reichel, J., Editors, 42-60 p., 1996

  • Arnold, G. B.; Hollies, N. R. S.
    view article (1.0)

    Ignition Test for Assessing the Flammability of Toys. Final Report.
    Gillette Research Inst., Rockville, MD
    Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, DC, Final Report, December 15, 1972, 74 p.

  • Kovalo, J. C.
    view article (1.0)

    Evaluation of Sprayer Mist Fire Hazards.
    Goodyear Automic Corp.
    Fire Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, 233-236, 1969

  • Fairley, T. E.
    view article (1.0)

    Current Research Activities of the European Commission in the Field of Fire Safety.
    European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
    Fire Safety Developments From Around the World International Conference. Proceedings. Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. March 19-22, 1995, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 9-14 p., 1995

  • Hirschler, M. M.
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    Comparison of the Propensity of Cigarettes to Ignite Upholstered Furniture Fabrics and Cotton Ducks (500-Fabric Study).
    GBH International, Mill Valley, CA
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 21, No. 3, 123-141, May/June 1997

  • Forsten, H. H.
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    Use of Small-Scale Testing to Predict Cal 133 Performance.
    E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 21, No. 4, 153-160, July/August 1997

  • Creyf, H.; Hurd, R.; King, D.
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    EUROPUR Studies on Methods of Test for the Burning Behavior of Upholstered Furniture.
    European Association of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Block Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium; Woodside, Derbys., UK; Recticell UK, Derbys.
    Cellular Polymer, Vol. 14, No. 4, 255-310, 1995

  • Dreizin, E. L.
    view article (1.0)

    Interaction of Burning Metal Particles.
    Titan Corp., Princeton, NJ
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, NASA Conference Publication 10194,
    Microgravity Combustion Workshop, Fourth (4th) International. Proceedings. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center. NASA Conference Publication 10194. May 19-21, 1997, Cleveland, OH, 55-60 p., 1997

  • Tokyo Fire Department
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    Ignition Tests of Gasoline by Spark of Metal.
    Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 3, 31-35, 1997