displaying 51 - 60 results in total 639
Stavitskiy, M. G.; Kortunov, M. F.; Sidoryuk, V. M.; Vostryakov, V. I.; Martynenko, V. I.
view article (1.0)Fire Fighting Aboard Ships. Volume 2.Fire Fighting Aboard Ships. Volume 2. Structural Design and Fire Extinguishing Systems., Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, TX, Stavitskiy, M. G.,, Editors, 588 p., 1983Robertson, A. F.
view article (1.0)Provisional Guidelines on Test Procedures for Deck Coverings.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDno date, 12 p.Blackmore, D. R.; Eyre, J. A.; Summers, G. G.
view article (1.0)Large-Scale Study Into the Behavior of Gas Clouds.Shell International Marine, Ltd., London, EnglandFire, Vol. 75, No. 931, 393-396, January 1983Lakey, R. J.
view article (1.0)LNG Shippers Answer Critics With Excellent Safety Record.Marine Consultant, Houston, TXFire, Vol. 75, No. 932, 485-486, February 1983Jordan, J. A. Jr.
view article (1.0)Preliminary Design Considerations for a Shipboard Damage Control Monitoring System.Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CADecember 1976, 78 p.U.S. Department of the Navy
view article (1.0)Shipboard Sprinkling Systems. Design Data Sheet.Department of the Navy, Washington, DCDDS-4803-1, November 5, 1957, 40 p.Iverson, M. L.
view article (1.0)Ultrasonic Data Link Measurements. Final Report. October 1977-September 1978.Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CANWC-TP-6094, March 1979, 32 p.National Transportation Safety Board
view article (1.0)Marine Accident Report. Explosion and Fire Aboard the U.S. Tank Barge STC 410 at the Steuart Petroleum Company Facility, Piney Point, Maryland, December 20, 1986.National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DCNTSB/MAR-87/09, September 29, 1987, 34 p.National Transportation Safety Board
view article (1.0)Marine Accident Report. Fires on Board the Panamanian Tank Ship SHOUN VANGUARD and the U.S. Tank Barge HOLLYWOOD 3013, Deer Park, Texas, October 7, 1986.National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DCNTSB/MAR-87/08, September 15, 1987, 54 p.American Bureau of Shipping
view article (1.0)Guide for Building and Classing Fire Fighting Vessels.American Bureau of Shipping, New York, NY1981, 26 p.