displaying 71 - 80 results in total 116
Bell, E. E.; Burnside, P. B.; Dickey, F. P.; Kopczynski, S. L.; Rowntree, R. F.
view article (1.0)Study of Infrared Emission From Flames. Part 3. Final Report.Ohio State Univ., ColumbusTADC-TR-57-51, September 1956, 45 p.Solokhin, E. L.; Mironenko, V. A.
view article (1.0)Stabilization of flames in a cocurrent Jet Stream of a Hot Gas.Air Force Systems Command, Wright Patterson AFB, OHFTD-MT-24-262-70,Kinetics and Aerodynamics of Fuel Burning Processes (Selected Articles). Proceedings. 1969, 57-66 p., 1969Kennedy, M.
view article (1.0)Correlation and Calculation of Temperature Contours Round Small Fires.Safety in Mines Research Establishment, Derbyshire, EnglandBritish Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 16, 109-114, 1965Thomas, P. H.; Hinkley, P. L.
view article (1.0)Design of Roof-Venting Systems for Single-Storey Buildings.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandTechnical Paper No. 10, 1964, 51 p.Jaluria, Y.; Chiu, W. K. S.; Lee, S. H. K.
view article (1.0)Flow of Smoke and Hot Gases Across Horizontal Vents in Room Fires.Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 110-111, 197-208, 1995National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD,Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.; Hassani, S. K. S.
view article (1.0)Behavior of Double Glazing in an Enclosure Fire.Ulster Univ., Jordanstown, Northern IrelandJournal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 7, No. 3, 267-386, 1997-1998McGrattan, K. B.; Baum, H. R.; Rehm, R. G.
view article (1.0)Large Eddy Simulations of Smoke Plumes.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDScale Modeling 2nd International Symposium. Proceedings. University of Kentucky. June 23-27, 1997, Lexington, KY, 59-72 p., 1997Duval, R.
view article (1.0)Residential Fire, Keokuk, Iowa, December 22, 1999. NFPA Fire Investigation Report.National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MANFPA Fire Investigations Report, 2000, 50 p.Rufino, P.; diMarzo, M.
view article (1.0)Measurements of Temperature in a Hot Gas Laden With Water Droplets. Final Report. May 2, 1999 to August 31, 2001.Maryland Univ., College ParkNIST GCR 01-827, September 2001, 289 p.Shaw, B. D.; Dwyer, H. A.; Wei, J. B.
view article (1.0)Studies on Combustion of Single and Double Streams of Methanol and Methanol/Dodecanol Droplets.California Univ., DavisCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 174, No. 3, 29-50, March 2002