displaying 71 - 80 results in total 246
Sybesma, P.
view article (1.0)Breaking the Boundaries of Fire Protection.Austin Fire Dept., TXNFPA Journal, Vol. 85, No. 6, 104-108, March/April 1991National Research Council
view article (1.0)Traffic Accident Data, Driver Performance, and Motor Vehicle Update. Transportaion Research Record 1047.National Research Council, Washington, DCResearch Record 1047, 1985, 115 p.Pauls, J.; Gatfield, A. J.; Juillet, E.
view article (1.0)Elevator Use for Egress: The Human-Factors Problems and Prospects.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; National Task Force on Life Safety and the HandicappedNIST SP 983,Collected Publications Related to the Use of Elevators During Fires. NIST SP 983. May 2002, Bukowski, R. W.; Burgess, S. R.; Reneke, P. A., Editors, 2002 AND Elevators and Fire. American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Council of American Building Officials and National Fire Protection Association. February 19-20, 1991, Baltimore, MD, 63-75, 1991, ['2002', '1991']Crossman, E. R. F. W.
view article (1.0)Computer Simulation Model of the Unwanted Fire Process.California Univ., BerkeleyGeneral Services Administration; Department of Housing and Urban Development; National Bureau of Standards; and National Science Foundation. Conference on Firesafety for Buildings: Research Practice Needs. July 18-20, 1973, Airlie, VA, 231-234 p., 1973SanGiorgio, D. J.
view article (1.0)Abbreviated Test Report for the Special Evaluation of the Fire Detection and Extinguishing System (FDES) for the M973 Small Unit Support Vehicle (SUSV). Abbreviated Test Report. May 28, 1991-July 25, 1991.Army Cold Regions Test Center, Fort Greely, AKArmy Test and Evaluation Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 8-VS-150-973-017, September 1991, 68 p.Safety in Mines Research Advisory Board
view article (1.0)Annual Report 1990 to the Health and Safety Commission.Annual Report, 1990, 1991, 15 p.Bentley, R.
view article (1.0)Human Aspects in Fire Safety--The Hospital Fire Officier's View.Royal Sussex County Hospital, EnglandFire Prevention, No. 246, 20-22, January/February 1992U.S. Army
view article (1.0)Army Helicopter Accidents Involving Fire. July 1, 1957-June 30, 1960.Department of the Army, Fort Rucker, ALReport HF 2-60, 1960, 26 p.U.S. Army
view article (1.0)Fatal Army Helicopter Accidents. July 1957-December 1959.Department of the Army, Fort Rucker, ALReport HF 3-60, 1960, 11 p.Bellamy, L. J.; Geyer, T. A. W.
view article (1.0)Incorporating Human Factors Into Formal Safety Assessment: The Offshore Safety Case.Four Elements Ltd., London, EnglandManagement and Engineering of Fire Safety and Loss Prevention: Onshore and Offshore. International Conference, 3rd. February 18-20, 1991, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, Aberdeen, Scotland, BHR Group Ltd., Editors, 55-63 p., 1991