FireDOC Search

displaying 81 - 90 results in total 126

  • Cartu, P.; White, S.
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    Importance of Char-Forming Reactions in Thermoplastic Polymers.
    University of Northumbria, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK; Cookson Ceramics and Minerals Ltd., Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 18, No. 3, 151-166, May/June 1994

  • Hall, J. R., Jr.; Harwood, B.
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    Smoke or Burns: Which Is Deadlier?
    National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA; Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC
    NFPA Journal, Vol. 89, No. 1, 38-40,41-43, January/February 1995

  • Fire Prevention
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    Chinese Disco Fire Echoes Stardust Tragedy.
    Fire Prevention, No. 276, 6, January/February 1995

  • Muschick, P.
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    Pittsburgh Firefighter Fatalities: What Happened?
    Firehouse, Vol. 20, No. 7, 46-48,141, July 1995

  • NFPA Journal
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    Tragedy Remembered.
    NFPA Journal, Vol. 89, No. 4, 75-79, July/August 1995

  • Hall, J. R., Jr.
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    Burns, Toxic Gases, and Other Hazards Associated With Fires: Deaths and Injuries in Fire and Non-Fire Situations. Burns VS. Smoke Inhalation, Burn Injuries, Carbon Monoxide, Electrical Current, Explosions.
    National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MA
    April 1996, 53 p.

  • Tschumy, W., Jr.
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    Pulmonary Infiltration With Eosinophilia (Loffler's Syndrome) Due to Smoke Inhalation: Report of a Case and Comment on Pathogenesis.
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical, Dallas
    Case Reports, Vol. 49, No. 3, 665-672, September 1958

  • Lattimer, B. Y.; Vandsburger, U.; Roby, R. J.
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    Conditions Permitting the Transport of High Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide in Building Fires.
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg; Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NISTIR 5904, October 1996,
    National Institute of Standards and Technology. Annual Conference on Fire Research: Book of Abstracts. October 28-31, 1996, Gaithersburg, MD, 121-122 p., 1996

  • Fackler, J. B.
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    Fire and Smoke Invasion of Apartments.
    Fire Test Methods: Restraint and Smoke Proceedings spronsored by American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM STP 422. Annual Meeting, 69th. June 26-July 1, 1966, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Atlantic City, NJ, 205-219 p., 1967

  • Hall, J. R., Jr.
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    Whatever Happened to Combustion Toxicity?
    National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA; Boston Fire Dept., MA
    NFPA Journal, Vol. 90, No. 6, 90-93,98-101, November/Decemer 1996 <b>AND</b> Fire Technology, Vol. 32, No. 4, 351-371, November/December 1996,