- Author
- Cheong, M. K. | Spearpoint, M. J.
- Title
- Comparison of a Statistical and Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach to Estimate Heat Release Rate in Road Tunnel Fires.
- Coporate
- Land Transport Authority of Singapore, 219428, Singapore University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Journal
- Fire Technology, Vol. 46, No. 3, 531-549, July 2010
- Keywords
- tunnels | computational fluid dynamics | heat release rate | highways | fire safety | ventilation | geometry | scenarios | pallets | methodology | statistical analysis | equations | probability | pool fires | truck fires | experiments | material properties | thermal properties | ignition | NFPA 502
- Identifiers
- Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS); Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV); road tunnels; Subway Environmental Simulation (SES); Road Tunnel Ventilation (RTV); TUNVEN; statistical approach; 3.49 ton truck fire experiment; free burning conditions