FireDOC Search

Maranghides, A. | Black, B. H. | Sheinson, R. S. | Friderichs, T. J. | Peatross, M. J.
Discharge System Modifications: Real Scale Halon 1301 Replacement Testing.
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
For more information contact: Center for Global Environmental Technologies, New Mexico Engineering Research Institute, University of New Mexico, 901 University Blvd., SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106-4339 USA. Telephone: 505-272-7250, Fax: 505-272-7203. WEB:
Book or Conf
Halon Options Technical Working Conference. Proceedings. HOTWC 1996. Sponsored by: University of New Mexico, Halon Alternative Research Corp., National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, Inc., Hughes Associates, Inc., and Kidde International. May 7-9, 1996, Albuquerque, NM, 515-526 p., 1996
halon alternatives | halons | halon 1301 | ships | compartments | fire extinguishing | instruments | computer models | discharge | nozzles | pressure
halon 1301 total flooding fire extinguishing systems; computer code for design of discharge systems; Transient Flow Analysis (TFA) computer code; discharge system configurations for phase 2 testing; effects of decreased discharge time on uniformity of agent distribution; redesigned check valve iterals; benchmarking of computer code for flow modeling