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Ross, H. D. | Radermacher, R.
Suppression of Nucleate Boiling of Pure and Mixed Refrigerants in Turbulent Annular Flow.
Maryland Univ., College Park
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 13, No. 6, 759-772, November/December 1987
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD Electric Power Research Institte, Palto Alto, CA Department of Energy, Washington, DC
refrigerants | turbulent flow | heat transfer | nucleate boiling | equations | fluids | mixtures | specific heat | tests
pure fluids; mixed fluids; pure refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures; two experimental test rigs
The following issues are addressed: (a) Is suppression of nucleate boiling an appropriate physical mechanism to explain experimental heat transfer coefficient behavior? (b) Is suppression possible under reasonable conditions with refrigerants? (c) Is suppression more or less likely with a binary mixture of refrigerants as compared with either pure fluid? Issue (a) is resolved in favor of traditional suppression theory by critical review of the literature. Issue (b) is resolved by experimental evidence suggesting one must have rather low pressures to suppress nucleation with refrigerants. Issue (c) is resolved by experimental and correlative evidence suggesting systematic differences with mixtures.