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Systems Research Laboratories, Inc.
Full Annulus Aircraft Engine Nacelle Fire Test Simulator. Letter Report. Descriptions and Operating Procedures.
Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., Dayton, OH
Letter Report; Descriptions and Operating Procedures, June 1994, 37 p.
aircraft engines | nacelle fires | fire tests | simulator | heaters | windows | ducts | halon alternatives
summary of design requirements for full annulus AENFTS; AENFTS design drawing package
In support of the Halon Replacement Program SRL was tasked to design a full aIillular Aircraft Engine Nacelle (AEN) Fire Test SiInulator (FTS) to replace the old 120-degree annular test fixture. The old fixture is capable of simulating only one-third of the annular space benveen an aircraft engine and its compartment walls. This restriction limits simulations of real aircraft engine compartments and the investigation of how to extinguish any fires that might occur in them. The goal of the design effort was to design a 360-degree fixture and provide other performance and instrumentation upgrades that would significantly increase the validity of simulations. The initial use of the new AENFTS is to identify and qualify replacement agents for Halon 1301 to meet mission essential fife protection for aircraft. At the beginning of the project, SRL was provided with a conceptual layout -- shown in Figure 1 with some of the required components (e.g., windows, heater, and cllllter) -- and most of the design requirements -- summalized in Table 1. The FTS test section is formed by the annular space between two concentric, thin cylindrical shells, consisting of a replaceable inner shell with conical, removable end caps surrounded by an 48-inch diameter outer cylinder. The removable inner shell comes in two sizes -- diameters of 24 and 36 inches -- to form two possible test-section conflgurations. The concept of a removable/replaceable inner-cylinder has the advantage of allowing for cost effective growth potential, since different sizes and shapes of the inner shell can be designed and inserted to model other engine nacelle configurations.