- Author
- Frangi, A. | Erchinger, C. | Fontana, M.
- Title
- Experimental Fire Analysis of Steel-to-Timber Connections Using Dowels and Nails.
- Coporate
- Institute of Structural Engineering IBK, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
- Journal
- Fire and Materials, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1-19, January/February 2010
- Keywords
- building materials | dowels | nails | steels | timber | fire tests | structural behavior | combustible materials | fire resistance | temperature | fire behavior | geometry | deformation | failure time | failure modes | tensile strength | structural engineering
- Identifiers
- ISO-fire; multiple shear steel-to-timber connections; connections with steel side plates and annular ringed shank nails; glued laminated timber (spruce) grade GL24h; residual cross-section