- Author
- Ingason, H.
- Title
- Modelling of Two Dimensional Rack Storage Fires. BRANDFORSK Project 701-917.
- Coporate
- Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
- Journal
- Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1, 47-69, February 1998
- Report
- SP REPORT 1993:57, 1993, 36 p.
- Keywords
- pallet storage | flame height | propane | mass flow | flow rate | temperature | velocity | equations | conservation | pressure drop | heat release rate
- Identifiers
- rack storage; line burner
- Abstract
- A theoretical model to predict mass flow rate, temperature, velocity and flame height in a two dimesnional rack storage has been developed. Experiments have been carried out using inert boxes and a diffusion propane line burner located at the bottom of the rack. A reasonable good correlation is found between the model and the experiments. The theoretical model developed calculates the flow within the rack with the aid of the equations of continuity, momentum and energy. The model distributes fractions of the total convective heat from the burner along a calculated flame height in accordance with an empirical relationship obtained from measured convective heat at each tier. The flame height is calculated by comparing the amount of available air flow rate and fuel rate at each tier for different heat release rates and widths of the flues. The results were compared to experiments with an approximately two dimensional, 4 tier rack storage with height ranging from 1.14 m to 1.34 m and with a 0.59 m long diffusion line burner placed at the bottom of the vertical flue. The size of the rack is about 1/3 of what can be expected in a real rack storage.