FireDOC Search

Puchovsky, M. T., Editor
Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook. 8th (Eighth) Edtion.
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
Book or Conf
Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook, 8th (Eighth) Edtion. [See Abstract for LIBRARY HAS], National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, Puchovsky, M. T., Editors, 1068 p., 1999
sprinkler systems | sprinklers | handbooks | standards | installing | NFPA 13 | NFPA 13D | NFPA 13R | inspection | maintenance | tests | residential buildings | mobile homes | high rise buildings
classification of occupancies and commodities; system components and hardware; system requirements; hanging, bracing, and restraint of system piping; design approaches; plans and calculations; systems acceptance; marine systems; system components; limited area dwellings; working plans, design, installation, acceptance tests, and maintenance