FireDOC Search

Lammers, F. A. | deGoey, L. P. H.
Influence of Gas Radiation on the Temperature Decrease Above a Burner With a Flat Porous Inert Surface.
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 136, No. 4, 533-547, March 2004
burners | temperature | laminar flames | premixed flames | gas radiation | numerical models | equations | experiments | high temperature gases | radiative heat loss | temperature gradients
1D and a 2D axisymmetric model; laminar premixed flames; porous burner; gas radiation; optically thin limit; properties of the 60-ppi ceramic-foam surface burners used in the numerical study; gray bands and absorption coefficients used for the simulation with d=20 cm and H=10 cm; estimate for the effect of hot gas volume size on the radiative heat loss