FireDOC Search

Bryan, J. L. | DiNenno, P. J.
Examination and Analysis of the Dynamics of the Human Behavior in the Fire Incident at the Allegany County Infirmary on May 16, 1978.
Maryland Univ., College Park
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBS GCR 80-218, August 31, 1978, 47 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
evacuation | fire alarm systems | fire departments | fire extinguishers | fire investigations | nursing homes | patients | nursing staff
The fire incident at the Allegany County Infirmary on May 16, 1978, was detected by the nursing staff at approximately 0440, at which time the fire consisted of a sweater and robe, fabric materials on the floor of room 112B and fabric materials on a chair held by a patient at the corridor door to room 112B. The two story building of fire resistive construction was thirty year old. At the time of the fire incident, the facility had a registered occupancy of 71 patients. With the exception of minor burning on a chair held by a patient at the door to room 112B, the fire was confined within room 112B. The patient involved with moving the chair with the fire on it suffered first degree burns to one hand and both legs and feet. The fire department was notified automatically with the activation of the local fire alarm system within the facility at 0440 through an auxiliary system arragement with the public fire alarm system. The four nursing staff in the facility evacuated the two nonmobile patients in their beds and extinguished the fire with a 2-1/2 gallon soda and acid extinguished upon arrival of the firest due engine company. The fire department removed the smoke from the facility and performed salvage operations.