- Author
- Tuovinen, H. | Cooper, L. Y.
- Title
- Validation of Ceiling Jet Flows in a Large Corridor With Vents Using the CFD Code JASMINE: Errata and Additional Remarks. Technical Note.
- Coporate
- Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Journal
- Fire Technology, Vol. 33, No. 2, 183-186, ['May/June 1997', 'Second Quarter 1997']
- Keywords
- ceiling jets | vents | corridors | field models | plumes | energy release rate | fire growth | scenarios | combustion models | temperature | velocity distribution | experiments
- Identifiers
- JASMINE; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Boras tests; simulated fire source and combustion model; simulated boundary conditions; simulating ceiling jets; results and comparisons with tests and other models; comparing calculated flows through vents; comparing temperature and velocity profiles in the ceiling jets; comparing Froude and Richardson numbers; comparing the influence of vents on the ceiling jet in experiments and in CFD calculations; experiments without vents; experiments with concentrically located vent; experiments with eccentrically located vent; CFD-predicted sprinkler temperatures
- Abstract
- This paper identifies and corrects errata and provides additional claryifing remarks on the previously published paper.