- Author
- Vodvarka, F. J.
- Title
- Urban Burns - Full-Scale Field Studies. Final Technical Report. February 1, 1969-January 6, 1970.
- Coporate
- IIT Research Inst., Chicago, IL
- Sponsor
- Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
- Report
- Final Technical Report; IITRI Project J6171, January 1970, 145 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- DAHC-20-70-C-0213
- Keywords
- urban fires | fire brands | fire growth | fire spread | fire damage | experiments | structures | instruments
- Abstract
- Eight structures which became available during the contract period were free burned. Five of these were two and 2-1/2-story all wood residences in various states of disrepair. The others were masonry and included a concrete-block residence, a concrete-block automobile service station, and a brick restaurant. During the burns, data were collected on burning times, fire spread rates within buildings, radiation emitted, firebrand production, gas compositions within masonry buildings, and pressures developed by the fires. Particular experiments performed with each building were chosen to be compatible with the building and its surroundings.