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Cheok, G. S. | Lew, H. S.
Seismic Performance of 1/3 Scale Post-Tensioned Precast Beam-Column Connections.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 4th. Volume 2. May 20-24, 1990, Earthquake Engineering Res. Inst., El Cerrito, CA, Palm Springs, CA, 757-766 p., 1990
beam-column | buildings | connections | cyclic loadings | interior joints | joints | moment resistant | precast concretes | post-tensioned | reinforced concretes
At present there is limited guidance regarding the design and detailing of precast structures for seismic resistance. The 1985 Uniform Building Code (UBC) currently permits the use of precast concrete elements to resist seismic forces provided the design and detailing used satisfy the code requirements for cast-in-place concrete structures. Technical data are needed to establish provisions for codes and standards, thereby promoting precast construction in seismically active regions. A study of the behavior of precast beam-column connections subjected to cyclic inelastic loading was initiated at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The objective of the study is to develop a moment resistant precast connection that is economical and easily constructed. The experimental program consists of testing both monolithic and precast beam-column connections. The monolithic specimens were designed to 1985 UBC seismic zone 4 criteria. The results from the monolithic specimens provide a reference for comparison with the results from the post-tensioned beam-column tests. The moment resistance of the connection is provided by post-tensioning bars. The effects of fiber reinforced grout between the beam and oclumn are studied. Energy dissipation, ductility, and failure mode will be used to determine the overall behavior of the connections.