FireDOC Search

Tolhurst, K. G. | Howlett, K. A.
House Ignition Likelihood Index: An Hazard Assessment Method for Land Managers in the Wildland-Urban Interface.
Melbourne Univ., Creswick VIC, Australia
Book or Conf
Urban and Rural Communities living in Fire Prone Environments: Managing the Future of Global Problems. Wildland Fire Conference, 3rd International. Proceedings. October 3-6, 2003, Sydney, Australia, 1-11 p., 2003
ignition | hazard assessment | wildland urban interface | home fires | bush fires | heating | wildland fires | plumes | damage | high temperature gases | radiant heating | classifications | risks
embers; direct flame contact, radiation and convective heating; House Ignition Liklihood Index; ignition processes; "design fire danger" situation; classification of ember attack index into classes of ignition risk; classification of the house ignition liklihood index into an ignition likelihood rating; distance between areas with bark hazards of different levels