- Author
- Vosen, S. R. | Westbrook, C. K.
- Title
- Pressure Effects on Wall Heat Transfer During Flame Quenching.
- Coporate
- Sandia Labs., Livermore, CA
- Report
- WSS/CI Paper 84-6, 1984, 26 p.
- Contract
- DE-AC03-76SF00098 W-7405-ENG-48
- Book or Conf
- Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Spring Meeting, 1984. April 2-3, 1984, Boulder, CO, 1984
- Keywords
- numerical analysis | heat transfer | combustion chambers | kinetics
- Abstract
- A one-dimensional numerical model is used to predict rates of time-dependent wall heat transfer in high temperature and hig pressure combustion chambers. Laminar flow near the cold wall is assumed, and global chemical kinetic mechanisms are used to describe the combustion of methane-air and propane-ari mixtures. The effects of variations in fuel type, pressure, equivalence ratio, and thermal boundary layers on the wall heat flux are examined, and the calculated results are correlated in terms of characteristic time and energy units.