FireDOC Search

Tewarson, A.
Fire Properties of Materials.
Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MA
Book or Conf
National Research Council. Improved Fire- and Smoke-Resistant Materials for Commercial Aircraft Interiors. Proceedings. November 8-10, 1994, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 61-91 p., 1994
fire resistant materials | commercial aircraft | aircraft interiors | smoke | material properties | pyrolysis | combustion | ignition | fire spread | heat generation | damage | corrosion | flame extinguishment | gasification | equations | heat release rate
heat of gasification; surface re-radiation loss; ignition of thermally thick materials; ignition of thermally thin materials; Thermal Response Parameter (TRP); fire-propagation index; mass generation rate of a product; thermal damage; nonthermal damage