- Author
- Kashiwagi, T. | Grosshandler, W. L. | Hamins, A. | Pitts, W. M. | Presser, C. | Tsang, W.
- Title
- Combustion Research Studies at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Journal
- Nensho Kenkyu, No. 119, 49-65, January 2000
- Keywords
- research facilities | combustion | standards | fire research | technology utilization | fire science | fire safety | safety engineering | physical properties | chemical properties | extinguishment | fire detection | fire suppression
- Identifiers
- Fire Science Division; Advanced Fire Measurements Group; Fire Sensing and Extinguishment Group; Materials Fire Research Group; Fire Safety and Engineering Division; Fire Dynamics Group; Physical and Chemical Properties Division; Chemical and Thermodynamics Group; Process Measurements Division; Thermal and Reactive Processes Group
- Abstract
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a federal agency within the Technology Administration of the Department of Commerce. NIST's primary mission is to develop and apply technology, measurements, and standards to promote economic growth by working with U.S. industry. Established in 1901 as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), the institute was renamed in 1988. NIST carries out its mission through four interwoven programs: (1) the Measurement and Standards Laboratories, providing vital components of the nation's technology infrastructure needed by U.S. industry to continually improve products and services; (2) the Advanced Technology Program, providing cost-shared awards to industry for development of high-risk, enabling technologies with broad economic potential; (3) a grassroots Manufacturing Extension Partnership with a nationwide network of local centers and business assistance to smaller manufacturers: and (4) a quality outreach program associated with the Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award that recognizes business performance excellence and quality achievement by U.S. manufacturers and service companies. NIST employs about 3,300 scientists, engineers, technicians, and support personnel and hosts about 1,250 visiting researchers each year. Fiscal year 1998 operating resources from all sources totaled about $790 million. The Institute maintains research facilities at its Gaithersburg, MD (234 hectare campus about 30 km northwest of Washington, DC with about 2,700 employees) and Boulder, Colorado (84 hectare campus about 42 km north west of Denver with about 600 employees). There are seven Measurement and Standards Laboratories. They are: Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory, Building and Fire Research Laboratory, Information Technology Laboratory. These laboratories produce high-quality measurement tools, data, and services extending from science and medicine to industry and commerce, and from public health and the environment to law enforcement and national defense. More detailed information on the research activities of these laboratories can be found at www.nist.gov. Combustion related research is being conducted in two of the laboratories: the Fire Science Division and Fire Safety Engineering Division of the Building and Fire Research Laboratory (BFRL), and the Process Measurements Division and Physical and Chemical Properties Division of the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory (CSTL).