- Author
- Weder, M. S. | Zimmerli, T. | Rossi, R. M.
- Title
- Sweating and Moving Arm for the Measurement of Thermal Insulation and Water Vapor Resistance of Clothing.
- Coporate
- EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Testing and Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Report
- ASTM STP 1237; PCN 04-012370-55,
- Book or Conf
- Performance of Protective Clothing: Improvement Through Innovation. Fifth (5th) Volume. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM STP 1237. Proceedings. June 25-27, 1994, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, San Francisco, CA, Johnson, J. S.; Mansdorf, S. Z., Editors, 257-268 p., 1996
- Keywords
- protective clothing | protective equipment | clothing | thermal insulation | water vapor | comfort | thermal resistance | ventilation | moisture | chimneys | heat loss
- Identifiers
- water vapor resistance; moisture transfer; skin model (sweating guarded hot plate)