- Author
- Al-Qurashi, K. | Boehman, A. L.
- Title
- Impact of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on the Oxidative Reactivity of Diesel Engine Soot.
- Coporate
- Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 155, No. 4, 675-695, December 2008
- Keywords
- diesel engines | soot | exhaust gas | oxidation | fuels | biodiesel | diesel fuel | sampling | equations | x ray diffraction | thermogravimetric analysis | spectroscopy | evaluation | morphology | physical properties
- Identifiers
- Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM); diesel particulate; nanostructure; soot production and sampling; oxygen chemisorption capacity; Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and High Resolution TEM (HRTEM); Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS); summary of oxygen chemisorption experiments; structural analysis of diesel soot; quantification of the diffraction patterns; spectral parameters for the first-order Raman bands of DDC soot and spectral parameters for similar types of soot; morphological evolution of diesel soot with oxidation; extent of diameter reduction during oxidation of DDC0 soot and DDC20 soot; nanostructural evolution of diesel soot with oxidation; impact of soot burning modes on Raman spectra and EELS data