FireDOC Search

Stull, J. O. | Connor, M. | Heath, C. A.
Development of a Combination Thermal and Chemical Protective Ensemble for U.S. Navy Fire Fighting Applications.
International Personnel Protection, Inc., Austin, TX TRI/Environmental Inc., Austin, TX U.S. Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility, Natick, MA
ASTM STP 1237; PCN 04-012370-55,
Book or Conf
Performance of Protective Clothing: Improvement Through Innovation. Fifth (5th) Volume. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM STP 1237. Proceedings. June 25-27, 1994, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, San Francisco, CA, Johnson, J. S.; Mansdorf, S. Z., Editors, 408-427 p., 1996
protective clothing | protective equipment | fire fighting | hazardous materials | turnout coats | fire hazards | thermal protection | heat stress | fire protection | evaluation
structural fire fighting; proximity fire fighting; hazardous chemical response; splash suit; thermal protective performance; radiant protective performance; chemical penetration resistance; evaluation of protective clothing industry materials; summary of material tests and performance criteria from NFPA standards; evaluation and selection of material combinations; prototype fabrication and evaluation