FireDOC Search

Bryan, J. L. | Milke, J. A.
Examination and Analysis of the Dynamics of the Human Behavior in the Fire Incident at the Shappard and Enoch Pratt Hospital on June 24, 1979.
Maryland Univ., College Park
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBS GCR 80-244, August 31, 1979, 26 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
fire departments | fire extinguishers | fire investigations | hospitals | smoke
The fire was detected by a security officer during a normal routine patrol at aproximately 2016 hours. The security officer observed smoke issuing into the corridor from room 48A, a laundry room, with a closed door. The security officer immedately activated an alarm box on the local alarm system, phoned the facility operator, and then radioed the security office. The fire incident occurred on the ground floor of the "B" building erected approximately 80 years ago of fire resistive construction. The security officer obtained a five- pound dry chemical listed extinguisher, rated 2A, 10BC, entered the laundry room, crawled to a trash can which contained the fire and dicharged the extinguisher which effectively extinguished the flames. The fire was extinguished prior to the arrival of the facility fire brigade and the Baltimore County Fire Department. The Fire Department verified extinguishment, overhaul, and ventilation of the laundry room area. No paitents were in the fire area, and no paitents were evacuated.